Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November - Contemporary Paganism

We are pleased to announce that our November speaker is Wiccan High Priestess Judy Harrow. Published author and Chair of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Cherry Hill Seminary, Judy will give an overview of Paganism and the various beliefs and practices of its practitioners today. Her talk is entitled, "Contemporary Paganism: Living an Ancient Faith in the Modern World." Please join us on November 21st at 7pm at the Rubin Museum of Art. We look forward to seeing you at the event.

"Contemporary Paganism: Living an Ancient Faith in the Modern World."

Paganism, Neo-Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft: these words carry a whiff of weirdness. Are we talking about harmless eccentrics, people in the grip of dangerous delusions, defiant social misfits, or maybe even worse? Actually, Pagans look just like anybody else in the supermarket or on the subway. They have ordinary jobs, homes, and families, and the normal range of other interests. But they base their spiritual practice on some different core assumptions. Modern Paganism is a new religious movement, small but growing fast, that seeks to revive the long-suppressed shamanic, nature-based, polytheistic spiritual traditions of Europe, to live in a modern, urban environment while honoring Mother Earth and Father Sky, and following the Sacred cycle of the Seasons and the phases of the Moon. And, yes, they practice magic.

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