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May 29th with Sheila Wall and Michael Pergola
We hope to see everyone on May 29th for our continuing series on "Faith and Finance." We look forward to welcoming Sheila Wall and Michael Pergola from Coalition for One Voice. Please join us...
"Faith and Finance: Can It Make a Difference"
In the past 30 years we have witnessed a series of disruptions to the financial system that have been publicly perceived as scandals that deviate from the norm. They have followed each other with a certain inevitability, and have led to the current freezing of the world economy and the disruption of countless lives.
We will explore this phenomenon, and what we can do individually and collectively to respond creatively to current circumstances. Questions that will be addressed include:
• What characteristics do the people involved in all of these situations have in common?
• How could some of the best trained and most gifted members of our society fail to see the long term implications of their actions
• What, if any, impact did the ethics courses added to the curriculum of MBA programs in the 80’s have on the behavior of financial leaders
• What role does the “ethic of unfettered individualism” and the “argument culture” play in creating our current distress
• How could a deeper experience of ethics, morality and spirituality help us see the opportunity in the current crisis
• How can we understand and utilize the notion of higher consciousness to inform our actions and respond creatively to the challenges we encounter in our personal and professional lives
• What should we expect from our leaders in finance, business and government, and
• How can we create the conditions, individually and socially, that will get us what we need in order for our children and our grandchildren to live meaningful lives in a just society that spans the globe
We will focus on how the consciousness of individuality has played itself out in our institutions, particularly our financial and educational institutions, and offer insights and practices from the great spiritual traditions that can increase our capacity to experience deep inner peace in the midst of turmoil, and to find creative responses and skillful actions in the face of the current challenges.